How to Minimize Effects of Colitis and IBS

How to Minimize Effects of Colitis and IBS

This How To outlines various steps you can take to better cope with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis (UC) or other inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). You can do as few as one or as many as all the steps, but they are not intended to be instead of professional medical advice!


Eat oatmeal everyday, with a banana cut up in it for extra help. These foods help regulate your bowels, help you achieve that regularity and minimize diarrhea and constipation.


Guzzle water. This may seem like a no-brainer, that traditional 8 glasses a day, but this is actually a great immediate fix. If you are having bathroom troubles and cant stomach any food, wait a bit and then pound as much water as you can. It will help flush some toxins out and make you feel MUCH better.


For gas, lay on your back and prop your knees up as if you were going to do sit ups. Keep your feet planted on the floor about hip-width apart and just relax with deep breathing. The position helps release gas downward.


Acidophilus. Take it as a supplement in pill form or eat those yogurts infused with extra live cultures. Digestive disorders keep the bacteria in our bodies all out of whack and any additional help we can give, like adding the helpful bacteria we lack, will help make our tummies feel much better.


Keep a food journal. Because everyone is different, you should not listen to others' dieting advice to ease your pain. Some people with digestive disorders have trouble breaking down peanuts, while others need the peanut butter to ease their stomach pain. If you log all of your foods and the way they make you feel, you can start to determine if you have problem foods to avoid.


As a general rule, foods with lots of grease and fat will give you diarrhea; many vegetables can cause gas pains; spicy foods will cause diarrhea; many pain medications cause constipation; and not all diet supplements are helpful.


Stress relief is critical, so figure out what works for you be it yoga, running, painting, talking, singing at the top of your lungs.


When all else fails, turn to the pink stuff. Pepto Bismal can help temporarily alleviate most stomach issues, but will not cure the underlying cause of IBS or IBD!

Tips & Warnings

Listen to your body! The mind-body connection is powerful and you can learn a lot about the changes you need to make by paying more attention to signs and signals.

Check with your doctor before starting any new routine.

How to Minimize Acne Scars Naturally

How to Minimize Acne Scars Naturally

While medical treatments such as skin resurfacing, chemical peels, collagen injections and laser scar removal are probably the fastest and most effective ways to minimize acne scars, these options are not financially viable for everyone. Additionally, medical treatments often use harsh chemicals and invasive methods. Luckily, there are a number of natural, gentle methods to minimize acne scars.

Things You'll Need:

Mild facial cleanser

Sea salt

Cotton balls

Lavender essential oil

Aloe vera gel (direct from plant whenever possible)


Leave acne alone, as popping, squeezing, scratching or picking at scabs are great ways to ensure long lasting scars.


Wash your skin twice a day with a mild cleanser and then follow with gentle exfoliation, which not only helps to prevent future outbreaks, it removes dead skin cells and promotes the healing of scars. Add enough water to 1 tsp. of sea salt to create a paste and gently massage acne scars with a circular motion. Rinse with warm water.


Pop open a vitamin E capsule and squeeze the oil onto healing acne and acne scars twice a day after washing your skin. Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins for the regeneration and healing of tissues. The oil will help to add moisture to the skin, which reduces irritation and helps to speed healing.


Wet a cotton ball with
essential oil and apply a light layer to skin affected by scars. Lavender is one of the few essential oils that is safe to use in an undiluted form, and helps to promote firm, healthy skin. Using lavender essential oil on the skin each night before bed will not only help to prevent premature aging, it will help to minimize acne scars.


Use pure aloe vera gel, preferably fresh from the plant, instead of a daily moisturizer. Because many moisturizers contain chemicals, preservatives and oils, aloe vera is the perfect natural alternative. Not only does it keep the skin hydrated, it is a natural antiseptic, helping to heal the skin while reducing future acne outbreaks.

How to Melt Gallstones

How to Melt Gallstones

Gallstones cause tremendous pain and can be difficult to treat. Traditional medicine uses injections and prescription medications to melt gallstones; however, these treatments can be expensive and have negative side effects. Luckily for you, if you are suffering from severe pain while your body is trying to pass a gallstone, there is a natural remedy that you can use to melt your gallstones.

Things You'll Need:

Dry adzuki beans

2 qt. cooking pot

Glass container or large glass jar


Boil two quarts of water over medium heat. Add 3 tbsp. of dried adzuki beans to the boiling water.


Cover the pot, leaving the lid open a bit so that steam can escape, and return the water to a boil.


Turn the heat to low and boil the adzuki beans until only about one quart of water remains in the pot.


Set the pot aside and allow the water to cool. Strain the beans, pouring the water into a large jar with a tight fitting lid. Keep the beans, as they are good to eat.


Drink a glass full of warm tea every two to three hours on an empty stomach. You should notice a difference within 24 hours, as the adzuki bean tea will quickly melt the gallstones and allow your body to pass them easily.

Tips & Warnings

See a doctor or other healthcare practitioner if your symptoms persist without change after 24 hours. Some people require further treatment to properly melt and pass gallstones

Eat the cooked adzuki beans as you would any other beans

How to Meditate Without a Master

How to Meditate Without a Master

Meditation has become one of those household words that means something different to everyone. Some people see it as therapeutic, some as the work of the devil, others as an eastern import of questionable value, and still others as religious yet irrelevant. In simple terms, meditation is an exercise to transcend the boundaries of the five senses to communicate with the person on earth who taught you to meditate in a specific way. If you have not found your master yet, you can still get a lot out of meditation by following some basic steps (that won't create a distraction when your master reveals himself to you).


Pick a time and place where quiet and solitude are assured where you won't be interrupted. This place should optimally be free of clutter where you can relax without distraction. Using the same room will usually help your concentration and discipline. This room should be free of electronic devices as much as possible. As a last resort, you can always use your bedroom. Some people even use a large closet. Also, pick a time that can be the same time each day. Pick a time when you are most likely to feel good, be alert and stay awake. Turn out all the lights. You don't need the room to be dark necessarily, but electric lights are not useful.


Decide what position you will use to meditate. The only really important postural factor is keeping your spine straight. Some people do this by lying on their bed, the floor or a couch. However, the chances of falling asleep increase significantly in this position. A full or half lotus position with the legs crossed akimbo flat on the floor is only for the very elite few, but you might be surprised that you can work up to this over time if you stretch and exercise outside of your regular meditation time. Sitting in a very comfortable chair creates the same kind of problem as a bed, so either sit in an upright chair or on a pillow on the floor that lifts you high enough that you can cross your legs comfortably. If you edge toward the front of the pillow or the chair, you can keep you spine straighter and support your upper body without leaning against anything. Leaning your back against a straight wall is better than a chair. Regardless of all the possible ways of sitting, you have to be comfortable, so be realistic and be willing to start somewhere and gradually find a better position that allows you to experience greater benefits from this effort.


Make sure you are calm and relaxed. But do not use drugs or alcohol to achieve this. If you are tense and anxious, you are not ready for meditation. Taking a walk or just sitting still is helpful. But watching television, reading a newspaper or surfing the internet are in the opposite direction from what you want to achieve.


Assume the position you have selected, easing into it slowly and deliberately. Close your eyes. Sit still. Relax. You can lay your hands in your lap or you can extend your arms over your knees. You can also hold your palms upward with arms extended over your knees with the thumb holding the forefinger to form a circle (as you may have noticed in pictures or statues in museums), but this is not necessary. This is the physical aspect of meditation.


Breathe deeply, steadily and slowly. Observe your breath flowing into your lungs and slowly flowing out. Breathing is perhaps the most important aspect of meditation. Sitting still and breathing steadily and deliberately while you pay attention to your breath is one of the most austere and divine practices known to mankind. This is the force of creation at its most rudimentary level. You never know what experience you may have doing this or what realization or revelation may become known to you while practicing this exercise.


Focus your eyes upward and to the center of your forehead. This location is the "third eye" or pineal gland, which is sensitive to light. You may notice brightness inside your head while doing this. Enjoy. Such an experience is rare and a gift. If you are really fortunate, you may feel intoxicated throughout your body and you may taste a sweetness coming from your soft palate. Sometimes people feel numbness at the top of their skulls, which is caused when the pituitary gland begins to expand. This gland is the size of a walnut, but when it is stimulated by spiritual phenomena, it will open in the shape of a lotus flower.


Notice your thoughts and how consuming they can be. Ultimately you would have no thoughts at all while practicing meditation, but our minds are far too strong to be ignored. However, you can control your thoughts by returning to your breath, observing it coming in and lifting your body, then flowing out as your body slightly drops. This is the life force over which you have no control.


Continue to follow your instincts and commitment. There is no point in forcing yourself to meditate if you are not enjoying it or feeling any benefit. What you may notice is that you have more inspiration and clarity in your life and that you are more relaxed and emotionally stable. If it works for you, go with it. But be aware that your mind may trick you into delaying or finding fault with the practice. You may even find yourself jumping to your feet and running to do some silly, insignificant task without even realizing you have interrupted yourself for no reason. This is one reason a regular schedule will benefit your practice and experience.

Tips & Warnings

One hour a day is an optimal amount of time to meditate, but most people won't be able to sit still that long or even find the time. Even 20 to 30 minutes can be very beneficial.

Meditating in one sitting is better than multiple sessions for less time.

Be careful how much you talk about this and with whom. Few people will share your perspective or provide meaningful feedback.

How to Meditate with Deep Breathing

How to Meditate with Deep Breathing

Meditating using the breath as a focal point is one of the oldest meditation methods known. Descriptions of this method are written in both Hindu and Chinese ancient writings. While the method seems simple, it can take a while to master.

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable clothing

Quiet place


Find a place where you can be comfortable to meditate. Many people sit on the floor in the lotus (crossed leg position), but this is not necessary. All that is necessary is that the place you choose will allow you to keep your back and neck straight.


Clear your mind of distractions as much as possible before you begin. The goal is to think of nothing but the breath.


Begin by taking a deep breath in through your nostrils. Attempt to take the breath as deep into your lungs as possible. Hold the breath to the mental count of five.


Let the breath out slowly through your mouth.


Repeat as often as desired. Take the breath in slowly, count to five and exhale.

Tips & Warnings

As you continue to do this meditation, increase the count between inhale and exhale by five. For the first week, stay with five, move up to ten the second week and so on. Work your way up to whatever feels comfortable without strain.

Don’t be surprised to find your mind wandering as you do this meditation. It will. When you catch yourself, bring your thought back to your breathing.

The more repetitions of this method, the more your body will feel relaxed.

Deep breathing meditation can help with insomnia. Try the breathing exercise while lying on your back in bed.

Deep breathing meditation is a wonderful way to end a yoga or other exercise session.

Never do this exercise while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle.

How to Meditate With Classical Music

How to Meditate With Classical Music

Meditation is a wonderful way to get in touch with yourself on a daily basis. By taking time out to sit still, and concentrate on your breathing and classical music, you can help your mind alleviate stress and anxiety all throughout the day.


Find a quiet, peaceful place in your home where you can be alone and undisturbed to meditate. Make sure you have a means of playing your classical music, preferably from a CD or MP3 player. This way you won't have the interruptions of DJs or commercials to distract you.


Get comfortable. Most people meditate on a mat or on the floor, but if you have sensitive knees or joints that make this impossible, get a comfortable cushion or chair that allows you to sit comfortably for long periods of time.


Begin playing the classical music, and regulate the volume so that it is not too loud or too soft. You must be able to hear it, but it should not be so loud that you cannot hear yourself breathe.


Close your eyes, and begin meditating by concentrating on your breathing. Listen to yourself inhale, and feel the breath go into your nose and down into your lungs. Slowly exhale and concentrate again on the feeling of the breath. Continue your slow breathing until you feel relaxed and ready to empty your mind of all extraneous thought.


Focus your mind on the music as you empty your mind of thoughts. Listen to the different instruments in the music, and make an attempt to concentrate on one set of instruments at a time. By focusing your mind solely on the music, your breathing begins to calm and your focus spreads outward.


Push thoughts away as they come. Listen to the music, but if it begins to remind you of something, or brings back stories or anecdotes, let them surface in your mind and then send them away. As you meditate with classical music, the sessions should be about outward focus on the sounds and sensations that the music brings to your body. It should never become about reminiscing or concentrating on anxiety or your stressful life.


Choose classical music that you enjoy, but it is important to change things around while you continue to meditate on a daily basis. Focusing on new sounds, strings and arrangements help to keep you focused on the music being played. If you listen to the same songs day after day, they may begin to be background noise as you meditate.

How to Meditate with Breathing

How to Meditate with Breathing

In Buddhism, meditation through breathing is called anapana sati. There are many different meditation techniques that involve breathing. This article covers the most basic technique of simple breathe-in, breathe-out breathing. Practicing this technique of meditative, aware breathing for as little as five minutes a day will slow your heart rate and relax your entire body.

Things You'll Need:

A quiet place


Silence for practicing any form of meditation is ideal, especially for beginners. At the very least find a quiet, private place. If you are at work, you can duck into an empty conference room. If you are at a social function, step outside or even try the bathroom!


There are four traditional postures for meditation: sitting, reclining, standing and walking. Buddhist text recommend sitting cross-legged with a straight back as the ideal posture. Experiment with a few different positions and see how you feel most comfortable.


Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Feel and observe your breath. Are you breathing through your mouth or your nose? Can you feel your breath on the back of your throat? Is your breath hot? Notice as breath enters your lungs and then your stomach. Imagine it filling your body with life. Take a few moments to just get comfortable and relax.


Now you are ready to begin meditating. Focus only on your breath. Let all other thoughts slowly and peacefully exit your mind. Exhale them and be present. For beginner, it will be useful to count breathes to help focus remain on breathing. In intermediate or advanced meditation practice you may want to use a mantra (repeated phrase such as om or love) to help focus your energy.


If you feel your focus slipping away to other thoughts return to step four.

How to Use Palmtherapy to Relieve Grief

How to Use Palmtherapy to Relieve Grief

Supporters of Palmtherapy use it to relieve feelings of grief that arise from some type of loss or anxiety. Therapists say the outcome of this therapy can sometimes spur a rapid delivery from traumatic memories and other emotional concerns. It's performed by stimulating areas of the hands that have a correlation with brain activity. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet connection

Book about Palmtherapy techniques and treatments

Gather Palmtherapy Resources


Study Palmtherapy practices by reading books like founder Moshe Zwang's "Palm Therapy: Program Your Mind Through Your Palms--A Major Breakthrough in Palmistry." It's available at the Palmtherapy Web site (see resources below).


Find a Palmtherapy specialist. The Palmtherapy site offers many resources. It's the official Internet destination for this practice.


Consider a Palmtherapist who's also a mind/body practitioner. Mind/body therapy focuses on imagery, meditation and spirituality exercises that can help relieve grief.


Meet with your prospective therapist to determine whether he or she is compatible with you. Try to gauge their sensitivity and ask about proposed treatments and how many you will need to feel results.


Evaluate the time and cost for this treatment. Call your health insurance provider. Some companies are recognizing alternative therapies for medical treatment. Overall, Palmtherapy is not very costly; but you might need several sessions to fully relieve your condition.

Use Palmtherapy Techniques to Relieve Grief


Refer to the book by Moshe Zwang (see Resources below) for palm exercises that target areas to relieve emotional issues.


Rest and free your mind of negative, sad thoughts. Replace the old thoughts with positive, happy ones while you perform Palmtherapy exercises.


Use thumb techniques on the center of your palm to help promote general relaxation and well-being.


Turn the thumb in a clockwise and then in a counter-clockwise direction and repeat this technique on each palm.


Pinch gently the solar reflex area (in the middle of the palm closer to the thumb) and hold for several minutes a few times during each day.

Tips & Warnings

Palmists say our hands are links to our well-being. Keep them safe and exercised.

Be aware of how much, how long and how often you relax your hands.

If your grief is keeping you from functioning properly and causing serious depression, consult a counselor or medical doctor.

It's not medically proven that everyone gets results from Palmtherapy.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Palmtherapy to Relieve Anxiety

How to Use Palmtherapy to Relieve Anxiety

Palmtherapy is a form of holistic treatment in which various areas and lines on the palms of the hands are stimulated in order to affect emotions and personality. Because the hand has a wide manifestation in the cerebral cortex (controlling motor and sensory sections of the brain), it's thought that the hands can influence brain activities related to emotions and thereby relieve phobias and anxiety. Follow these steps to learn more about how Palmtherapy can relieve anxiety.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet connection and RealPlayer or similar plug-in

Palmtherapy diagram of the human hand with a description of lines

Books about Palmtherapy techniques and treatments

Learn About Palmtherapy Treatments


Research specialists who offer treatments for anxiety at the Palmtherapy Web site, which is the official site for this alternative medicine treatment (see resources below).


Watch the video clips available at the Palmtherapy Web site to get background on the way this therapy treats anxiety.


Consider combining your Palmtherapy treatment with other alternative methods such as acupuncture. You may also want to try meditation or simple aromatherapy to get the most from your Palmtherapy session.


Read the book by Palmtherapy's creator, Moshe Zwang, "'Palm Therapy: Program Your Mind Through Your Palms," to learn about the various techniques for relieving anxiety (see resources below).

Use Palmtherapy Techniques to Relieve Anxiety


Relax yourself by doing some deep breathing exercises. Focus on expanding your abdomen when you inhale. This will help you feel calm and focused.


Extend your palm and stimulate the mid-section with the thumbnail of your opposite hand. Massage the lines that represent energy pathways. Refer to a Palmtherapy hand diagram for exact placement.


Apply moderate pressure for a few seconds.


Continue applying pressure for a few minutes, switching between hands as necessary.

Tips & Warnings

Palmtherapy is performed by stimulating key lines and regions on the hands to relieve emotional problems. There is no pain involved with this therapy.

Some conditions that a Palmtherapist treats are phobias and depression. People also use this treatment for increasing motivation and positive thinking.

If you suffer from diagnosed mental disorders, do not practice palmtherapy on yourself. See a licensed medical professional.

Use of an electro-stimulation Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator (TENS) device and other advanced techniques should be done by a certified Palmtherapy practitioner.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Palmtherapy to Manage Pain

How to Use Palmtherapy to Manage Pain

Practitioners of palmtherapy believe that applying pressure to the hands helps spur positive emotional changes. They insist that properly stimulated palms can sidestep the mind's analysis and criticism of new modifications in thought patterns. Although primarily used to relieve anxiety and fears, treatment can also help a patient relax and manage mild pain. Follow these steps to learn how.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Reading materials about palmtherapy

Manage Your Pain With Palmtherapy


Find a professional who offers Palmtherapy services. You'll discover that local alternative medicine therapists (such as acupuncturists) may also have another certification in Palmtherapy. Use the official Palmtherapy Web site to find more information (see resources below).


Practice Palmtherapy techniques on your own. To help you get started, refer to the classic book in this field, creator Moshe Zwang's "PalmTherapy: Program Your Mind Through Your Palms." It's available at the Palmtherapy Web site (see Resources below).


Try some beginner Palmtherapy exercises. Use a continuous, steady pressure over the mid-section of the palm area with the thumb of your opposite hand.


Massage gently, but with a bit of pressure (from a few seconds up to 1 minute) and focus on feeling pain-free.


Imagine the areas of your body where you feel the most pain as healthy and moving without harm.

Understand how Pain is Processed and Managed


Read more about how pain is processed in the brain. This will help you get a grasp of the philosophy behind Palmtherapy. Read the article on this specific function of the brain provided in the Resources box below.


Study the endorphin-release process. A neuron's web-like structure enables it to form a network of interactions that create synapses. When the skin is stimulated, this leads to chemical changes in synaptic gaps, which are accompanied by pain relief and endorphin release.


Find more information about related areas of treatment that focus more specifically on pain management, such as reflexology (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

A Palmtherapy session usually takes about an hour. It's moderately priced.

If you have severe pain or muscle spasms, consider seeing a chiropractor or pain management specialist.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Palmtherapy to Change Your Mood

How to Use Palmtherapy to Change Your Mood

Palmtherapy is a holistic approach, using precise massage techniques on the palm of the hand, for treating people with emotional issues. It can help change a person's mood, such as diminishing feelings of boredom and blocking negative thought patterns. Experts in this field believe there's a correlation between the mind and the hand due to the path of neural information flowing through the nervous system. Follow these steps to learn how to use Palmtherapy to change your mood.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Research Methods to Help Change Your Mood


Find a qualified Palmtherapy practitioner by visiting the Palmtherapy Web site (see resources below).


Measure a therapist's dedication. While Palmtherapists are not licensed in the United States, you can check whether they're trained in other areas such as naturopathy or massage therapy to get a feel for their professional commitment.


Familiarize yourself with cost and coverage options for service. Typically, Palmtherapy is moderately-priced for a single session. Call therapists to discuss the specific degree of your mood to determine the number of visits.


Study where your mood dynamics stem from in addition to seeking a Palmtherapist. Read Robert E. Thayer's book, "The Origin of Everyday Moods: Managing Energy, Tension, and Stress" (see resources below).


Determine if something in your diet has you feeling down. Ask a local nutritionist for an evaluation or visit a health food store to see what vitamins are available.

Use Palmtherapy Techniques to Change Your Mood


Purchase Moshe Zwang's reference book "Palm Therapy: Program Your Mind Through Your Palms-A Major Breakthrough in Palmistry" at the Palmtherapy Web site.


Find a comfortable area to practice Palmtherapy. Refer to the reference book containing hand maps, key lines and areas of the palms as well as massaging tips.


Learn and use the thumb-walking technique, which applies a continuous, steady pressure over the area being worked (mostly the lines of the hand).


Continue to apply pressure using your thumbnail for up to 20 seconds and focus on staying calm while breathing deeply and evenly.

Tips & Warnings

Use Palmtherapy to send out good vibrations. Experts in this field say treatment enhances personal appeal and flair.

A Palmtherapy session typically lasts an hour and involves an examination of the hands and the stimulation of palm lines that relate to the emotion being treated.

Although Palmtherapy is used to help elevate mood levels, you should see a professional doctor for drastic mood swings (highs or lows) or bipolar disorders.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Energy Healing to Overcome Addiction

How to Use Energy Healing to Overcome Addiction

Energy healing practitioners heal patients by channeling energy into their energy field. This helps remove negative blocks, cleanse the energy field, replenish energy and balance the patient. Energy healing can be used to heal several conditions, including emotional problems, hormonal imbalances and addiction.

Understand Your Energy Field


Know that your physical body is surrounded by a field of energy. This energy field consists of your aura and your 7 chakras.


Understand that ailments such as stress and addiction form energy blocks that are stored in the energy field.


Be aware that blocks in your energy field go on to manifest as diseases in the physical body.


Use energy healing to remove these energy blocks.

Understand Energy Healing


Think of energy healing as a non-invasive method of healing that focuses on the energy body. It is used to cure physical, emotional and mental disorders. It heals by cleansing the energy field, replenishing lost energy and activating new energy.


Understand that there are different types of energy healing methods. Among the most popular methods are Qi Gong, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki and Quantum Touch. Although the methods are different, any one of the forms may be used to overcome addiction.


Know what to expect at a healing session. Using a variety of hand motions, depending on the form of choice, the energy healer scans the energy field for energy blocks, removes them and channels more energy into the body.

Use Energy Healing to Overcome Addiction


Visit the American Holistic Health Association Web site to find a database of practitioners nationwide (see Resources below).


Call the practitioner to make an appointment. Find out what energy healing forms the practitioner uses and be sure that he is certified in all of them.


Discuss your reason for seeking treatment and verify that the practitioner has dealt with cases of addiction before. He should be able to offer suggestions for treatment based on your needs.


Find out what the cost of treatment will be. Many practitioners offer moderate prices for fixed session durations.


Arrive for your treatment ready to receive healing to overcome addiction. Any doubts you may have will lessen your experience of the treatment.


Learn more about energy healing at The Energy Medicine Institute (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Follow the advice of the practitioner and continue any treatments he may teach you to use at home for faster healing.

Call 911 or proceed to an emergency room if you are experiencing severe physical difficulties including, but not limited to, chest pain, dizziness, heart attack and shortness of breath.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Keep Jewelry Safe

How to Keep Jewelry Safe

Whether your


is monetarily valuable or sentimentally valuable, a few simple steps can keep your items safe. Some carefully planned investments and forethought can ensure that your items remain vibrant and protected for a long time.


Purchase a safe. For an extensive or valuable jewelry collection, the surest way to keep jewelry secure is to purchase a fireproof safe. Purchase a quality safe at a number of retailers, from department stores to specialty safe dealers to pawn shops.


Store jewelry away from vents and grates. If your central heat or air conditioning runs through underfloor vents, be sure to store your jewelry away from the vents to avoid your valuables falling between the cracks.


Ensure that your jewelry fits correctly. A safeguard against damage or loss is simply to make every effort not to lose jewelry. If you experience weight loss or buy a new piece, employ a jeweler to size your jewelry. Make sure to check clasps regularly so repairs are made in a timely manner.


Keep jewelry in unlikely places. While a beautiful jewelry box might seem like an attractive storage option, it's an obvious place for thieves to look. Instead, keep jewelry safe in a kitchen drawer, a container under the bathroom sink or another odd location.


Get an appraisal. Having your jewelry appraised periodically to accommodate fluctuating value is a good investment. If you choose to insure your jewelry collection, an appraisal proves the value of your items.


Insure jewelry. Check your home owners' or renters' insurance to see what exactly it covers. If your policy doesn't cover lost valuables, check into a separate clause or policy to keep your valuables safe.

How to keep fake rings from fading

How to keep fake rings from fading

Fake rings seem to have a problem leavig ugly green marks on your fingers with this solution you can keep your finger clean of ugly green marks and your ring looking brand new.


Clean the ring with toothpaste and a toothbrush. Dry it with a chesse cloth or soft cloth.


Take clear nailpolish and polish the whole ring with it. Let it dry.


Do this process once a week.

How to Keep Bra Straps From Showing

How to Keep Bra Straps From Showing

If you wear a

or a shirt with spaghetti straps, your bra straps are bound to show. Bra straps showing around clothing can leave the impression of being sloppy, tacky or trashy. There are things you can do to prevent straps from showing.

Things You'll Need:

Bra strap connector

Braza Strap Keepers

Comfy Straps

Invisible bra straps

Strapless bra


Purchase a bra strap connector. The connector hooks onto both straps on the back of the bra so that the straps won't slip down the side and off your shoulders. There are several types of connectors. You can purchase them online or at lingerie stores or you can even make your own with double-fold bias tape and some snaps.


Use Braza Strap Keepers to keep your bra straps hidden. They come with seven pairs to a package and you can purchase them online. All you do is peel off the adhesive liners from the tab, put your bra strap in the middle of the Strap Keeper and attach it to the underside of your shirt, blouse or dress to prevent them from slipping and showing.


Use Comfy Straps, which are made of soft silicone that shapes to the shoulder. You attach these to your bra straps and they keep the strap from slipping while making the straps more comfortable on the shoulders. They are hand washable and reusable, which is an added benefit.


Use invisible bra straps on your bra. These straps attach to any bra that has removable straps. They are clear and blend in with your

to make them hardly noticeable. You can find these online at very reasonable prices.


Wear strapless bras to keep your bra from showing. You can even purchase bras made of silicone that have absolutely no straps on them and no back, which are virtually invisible under sheer clothing.

How to Keep a Nose Ring in Place

How to Keep a Nose Ring in Place

A nose ring can easily go from a gorgeous adornment to a major annoyance if it keeps popping up, falling out and getting lost or plopping down into your soup at dinner. You can keep a nose ring in place with a few simple tips.

Things You'll Need:

Nose ring

Proper backing on the nose ring


Have the proper backing on the nose ring. Some have a small ball on the end and others have a bent back. In my case, the small ball ring kept sticking out further than it was supposed to. I switched to the bent back and bent the back even further to secure it in place.


Stop touching it. Playing with the nose ring or touching it to make sure it’s still there not only invites infection but may also dislodge it.


Pay extra attention when you wash or dry your face. Nose rings like to get caught on towels or skitter down the drain.


Blow your nose with care. Keep one finger pressed on the nose ring as you empty your nostrils into a tissue.


Remove the nose ring when necessary. If you are going into a vigorous sport, swimming or doing something that may dislodge or rip out the nose ring, take it out. You can leave the hole open or inserts a soft, plastic nose ring plug found at many


Tips & Warnings

Hoops and heavily adorned nose rings are more likely to get caught on things than simple studs.

Kids like to grab at a nose ring, pets like to lick at a nose ring and shirts and other clothing articles like to get stuck on and pull at a nose ring.

How to Keep a Bathing Suit From Riding Up

How to Keep a Bathing Suit From Riding Up

You've seen them strolling along the beach and walking by the pool. They are gorgeous women in hot swimsuits strutting their stuff. They are confident and looking good, but there is a problem. These women are constantly reaching down to tug at their swimsuits. Fortunately, there are some ways to keep a bathing suit from riding up your bottom.

Things You'll Need:

Tape measure

Body measurements

Body glue


Measure your torso accurately to get a one-piece bathing suit that fits properly. To get the correct measurement, begin at one shoulder, and drape the measuring tape diagonally down your body and in between your legs. Then, bring the tape up in the back until you reach your starting point at the shoulder. Have someone else perform the measuring for the best results.


Buy only bathing suits that have a great fit to avoid having them ride up your bottom. When you try a suit on, be sure to bend over, stretch up on your toes and sit down with the suit on to test the elastic banding's ability to stay in place.


Keep bathing suits from riding up by taking good care of them. Always rinse them after use and wash them gently by hand before laying them out to dry. This will help ensure the durability of your suit's elastic. Also, be careful when sitting at picnic tables or on metal lounge chairs, as you want to avoiding getting your suit snagged, resulting in ruined elasticity.



properly moisturized and exfoliated to make your bathing suit less likely to ride up. Supple skin will help your bathing suit move with you rather than having it get caught up in unflattering positions.


Consider buying a "butt spray," such as those used by
pageant contestants, if you are very worried about a riding up problem. Visit the Queen's Choice website or the Flying High Enterprises website to purchase products to "glue" your suit into place (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Pick two-piece suits over one-piece suits, as one pieces are more likely to ride up on you. Boy short-styled bottoms are less likely to ride up the cheeks than traditional bikini bottoms.

Don't hold onto suits for too many seasons, as frequent swimming will cause the elastic on your suits to stretch, which in turn will make them ride up on your body.

How to Justify Expensive Jeans

How to Justify Expensive Jeans

You're window shopping with your friends and then you stop--there they are, in the store's window display, the jeans of your dreams. It's an expensive store and your car payment is due, but they are just what you have always wanted. Here are some really good reasons why you should walk right in the store and try on those expensive jeans.


Buy expensive jeans because they will be more comfortable. That's one of the things that makes them expensive. They are manufactured with superior fabric that has been treated to be pliable and soft.


Treat yourself to those expensive jeans because you have that party to go to, and that special person you want to attract is going to be there. You want to be noticed, and that expensive pair of jeans will get everyone's attention.


Purchase those expensive jeans to make yourself look elegant or suave. Worn with the right top and a blazer or jacket, you will look appropriate almost anywhere and at any time of day. Add the perfect pair of shoes or boots, and you will look great. If you are a woman, add pearls or some nice jewelry.

Tips & Warnings

Expensive jeans should be dry-cleaned. Depending on your expertise in the laundry room, they will probably look better dry-cleaned than laundered, and they will also last longer.

Be careful what you eat, drink or smoke when you are wearing expensive jeans. If you believe the night out is going to be at a place so crammed with people that you can barely walk, you should probably leave the jeans on a hanger at home.

How to Iron a Gown

How to Iron a Gown

You've got the perfect dress for a big night, but it's wrinkled. There's no time to get it to the cleaners to have them press it. But, with a few basic supplies you probably already have in your house you can take care of it yourself.

Things You'll Need:

Steamer (or Iron with a Steam Setting)

Velvaboard (optional)

Ironing a Gown


Empty all water from the iron. Any water that leaks out could leave a mark on the gown.


Set iron to a medium heat with no steam.


Lay a thick towel on the ironing board if your dress has any decoration on it such as beading or lace.


Turn the gown inside out and lay it on the ironing board. Or, you can leave the gown right-side out and lay a clean piece of white cloth between the gown and the iron.


Press the bodice.


Press the sleeves. Wear a pressing mitt and slide your hand into the sleeve. Iron the sleeve against the mitt. If you don't have a pressing mitt, you can use a clean hot pad instead.


Stuff tissue paper into the sleeves to help them remain wrinkle-free if you don't plan on wearing it soon.


Press the skirt.


Hang the gown in a doorway a safe place to keep it wrinkle-free. If you need to transport the gown, place it in a garment bag.

Ironing Velvet


Hang the gown inside out.


Use a steamer or the steam setting on an iron.


Test a small area first using the following steps.


Hold the iron or steamer about half an inch from the fabric. Remember, you will be steaming the back of the velvet.


Wave the iron or steamer over the fabric slowly.


Inspect both sides of the fabric. If there is no damage, continue steaming small sections of the velvet.

Tips & Warnings

You can find a product called Velvaboard, which is essentially a board covered with rough fabric. It is designed to allow velvet, or other high pile fabrics, to be laid on it and steamed.

How to Install Ring Guards

How to Install Ring Guards

Ring guards are designed to help your ring fit better around your finger. Arthritis and many other conditions can cause knuckles to become enlarged. That means your ring has to be big enough to fit over your knuckle, but then it's too big for your finger. Installing a ring guard is the perfect fix to this common problem, and they're readily available for you to purchase.


Purchase a ring guard. They're available at many local

, or you can find them online. Ring guards are available in gold and silver to match whatever ring you choose.


Place the ring guard next to the ring. The ring guard is shaped so the edges turn upward to match the existing contour of the ring.


Put the ring guard inside the ring. Push down on the ring guard so it takes the same shape as the ring.


Tighten the ring guard to the ring. You can do this with a regular pair of needle nose pliers.


Clamp down on the arm of the ring guard once it's wrapped around the ring. This tightens the ring guard so it doesn't slip.


Repeat the process for the other side of the ring guard.


Adjust the size of the ring to your liking. Push up or down in the middle of the ring guard to find the fit that's right for you.

Tips & Warnings

If you are sensitive to metal, ring guards are also available in plastic. They come in clear and in a variety of different colors. Plastic ring guards work best on small bands; they're not designed to be used with wide bands.

How to Inspect a Diamond Ring

How to Inspect a Diamond Ring

A diamond lasts forever but the ring mount does not. Over time the soft gold prongs can wear away, get bent or break off, leaving your diamond susceptible to diamond loss. Diamond rings should be inspected every six months for wear and damage. Fixing a diamond ring mount is much cheaper than replacing an irreplaceable diamond.

Things You'll Need:

Cleaning Solution

Tooth Brush

Jewelry Loupe

Metal Pick


Remove your ring, if possible.


Clean your ring using


cleaning solution or a mild solution of ammonia, dish soap and warm water. Use an old toothbrush to get under the prongs and the underside of the diamond.


Dry the ring thoroughly with a lint-free cloth.


Inspect the main diamond using a jewelry loupe. Hold the loupe against your cheek and keeping one eye open, bring the ring close to the loupe until it comes into focus. Your hands will be very close together.


Examine the diamond's prongs closely from the side. Are they thinning? There should be a significant lump on top of the diamond.


View the diamond from above. Are the prongs fully covering the edge of the diamond? Over time, the prongs will recede; only touching the very edge of the diamond.


Pick at the main diamond with a metal dental pick or with a sharp object. Does the light flicker? That means your diamond might be loose in the setting. Check again, seeing if you can detect any movement.


Use the pick on the side diamonds and channel set accent stones. Make sure there is no movement and that the diamonds are secure within the setting.


Take your diamond to a certified jeweler if you detect any damage or extensive wear. Only qualified jewelry repair technicians should repair your ring.

Tips & Warnings

Look closely at your ring when you first get it. This will help you see how the setting is supposed to look.

Insure your ring using a jewelry rider on your insurance policy. You will need a diamond appraisal which will diagram your ring and diamond as well as place a value on the replacement cost.

Never let mercury touch your jewelry. It will permanently bond to the gold, making it porous and unwearable.